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Double in December - Help Those Doubly Impacted by Both War and Cancer

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This December, your donation to the Israel Lemonade Fund will be matched, up to 200,000 NIS ($72,000) doubling the support for cancer patients like these:


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Israel Lemonade Fund grant recipients are struggling with a lot, including:


Navigating grief and cancer treatment on a very low income:

A., an 84 year old widow with few resources, recently immigrated to Israel from Russia to be closer to her daughter. She moved in with her daughter and her partner and was then diagnosed with breast cancer. On October 7th her daughter’s boyfriend’s only son was killed at the Nova festival and since then her daughter stopped working in order to care for both her mother and her grieving partner. A Lemonade Fund grant is helping the family cope financially during this period.


Families dealing with chemo while temporarily far from home:

S. and her young family lived on a northern kibbutz until they were evacuated on October 8 to a hotel far from her treatment center, her husband’s work and her childrens’ school. S. had had to stop working before the war due to the side effects of chemo, so the family was already struggling financially. They have relocated a few times during this long war and this young family is suffering badly from the stress. A Lemonade Fund grant has at least alleviated their financial stress and allowed them to afford extra psychosocial support.


The Lemonade Fund is Israel’s ONLY breast cancer emergency relief charity. Your donation ensures that cancer patients and their families can focus on their treatment and recovery without the added burden of financial stress. This #DoubleInDecember, every shekel you give will be matched, making a world of difference for those navigating both cancer and war’s devastating impacts. 


Thank you for helping us reach and surpass our first goal, NIS 100,000 ($36,000.) Thank you to the generous matching donors who have allowed us to increase our goal!


Together, your generosity  can bring stability, hope, and healing to those who need it most.


Thank you.


The Israel Lemonade Fund





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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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