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Let’s help Palestinians in Gaza survive the cold

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Our Gaza aid campaign is continuing in full force

Standing Together
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After most of the buildings in Gaza Strip were leveled or damaged, the majority of the population in Gaza now lives in crowded tents that cannot protect against dropping temperatures. People in Gaza have been displaced several times, some are starving, some are in dire need of medical attention – and all are desperately trying to stave off the bitter cold.


We simply cannot ignore this disaster. After we succeeded in bringing more than 120 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid into Gaza, despite the obstacles created by the government and security forces, we are preparing to deliver more trucks filled with warm clothes, tarps to insulate tents, shoes, and blankets in the coming weeks. We are doing this to stand in solidarity with the people in Gaza and to continue the fight for the future of our own society.


A donation of any amount will help us deliver supplies to those who need them most. Will you help us reach our goal?


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Thank you to our {{Donors.donorCount}} donors

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