Welcome to New Moon! Good to have you here.
"New Moon" is an independent documentary series dedicated entirely to us - women and girls - and which explores in depth our inner and outer world in a changing culture in the 21st century.
The series examines the question: how have 6000 years of patriarchy shaped us as women, and society in general? And how do they continue to affect us in thousands of ways invisible to the eye?
The series includes 13 episodes, each of which dives in depth and examines one of the many layers that make up femininity: mind, body and spirit, female cycles, body image and the ideal of beauty, sexuality, pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood, old age, female deity versus male deity, female leadership and many more.
Each episode consists of interviews with wise women from different fields: writers, academic researchers, activists, artists, therapists and healers. Alongside the interviews, the series includes scenes from intimate women's circles and from development and empowerment workshops, as well as images from the natural world, and also works of art (music, painting, video art) by dozens of contemporary Israeli artists.
The series documents our Collective journey to recognize the wounds of the past that we carry within us for generations, and to heal them. It reveals ancient secrets whose time has come to be revealed, and offers keys to personal and collective healing: the wisdom of the tribe and of the circle, the healing power of nature, the forgotten wisdom of grandmothers, and the fusion of the intertwined female knowledge chain. It presents a feminine vision to restore the balance between the female and the male in our world, and to create a healthier society for women, men, animals and plants.

How was the series created? (And a little bit about me)
My name is Shirly Naveh, I am the owner of a cute little video production company called "The Blue Roof", and a professional video editor. I live in Tel Aviv with my husband, and here we are raising 4 children (all born at home), a cat, a dog and a vegetable garden.
Throughout my life I have felt confused as a result of conflicting messages I have received about my appearance, about the feelings I am allowed to express as a woman and those that are forbidden, my sexuality, my abilities. Within me, deep gaps have formed between the inside and the outside, between the "supposed" and the "wanting", between the dependent and the independent.
One day about 7 years ago, I heard inside me some inner voice whispering to me: Go out and shoot a series about femininity. Of course, I immediately had a million fears and objections, but apparently the urge and curiosity overcame them because I agreed, and set out on a journey.
I traveled all over the country with a camera (I drove alone to unfamiliar places, without Waze or a cell phone, because I did not have one), I interviewed women, and documented women's circles, workshops and festivals. At the same time I started editing the filmed material – about 400 hours of raw material, which means hundreds of hours of work in the editing room, and all this without any budget or payment.
In the past year, as the series is progressing toward its release, a supportive community of women gathered around the project. We have a Facebook group, and there are also 5 wonderful women who accompany me in all the technical and emotional difficulties involved in creating such a large and ambitious project.
The first four episodes of the series have already been edited. Now we only have to get a budget to bring them to broadcast quality. And here you come into the picture!

Where does the money go?
In order to bring the episodes to broadcast quality, each episode has to go through several processes with paid professionals:
* Mix-sound
* Color corrections (online editing)
* Graphic packaging (creation of an opening, closing and titles for the entire project)
* Transcription (Hebrew subtitles)
* English translation and English subtitles
There is also a lot of production work that needs to be done, and of course a budget is also needed to edit the following episodes.
Once we raise (with your help!) An initial amount of money, we can start closing the episodes one by one, and uploading them to the web for viewing for a fee. Of course, whoever donates here - does not pay, and watches first before everyone else.

And finally:
This project doesn't really belong to me. It belongs to all women wherever they are, and to the whole world. I invite you to join us on this journey. Together we walk the path; Together we reveal lies that were told to us and secrets that were forgotten to be told; Together we weep over wounds caused to us, to our mothers and grandmothers; Together we remember who we really are and learn anew to feel comfortable within ourselves, and in the world; Together we create a new female vision, of A balanced and healthy society.
Huge thanks for your support!